General Terms and Conditions
1st participant
Anyone who meets the conditions of participation can take part in the events and activities offered by Sayaq Adventures München GmbH & Co. The participant confirms that he/she has the necessary physical and mental requirements for the selected event. Every participant is obliged to take part in the briefing carried out by the employees of Sayaq Adventures München GmbH & Co. KG and to follow the safety rules. Should the participant fail to comply with this instruction, the employees of Sayaq Adventures München GmbH & Co. KG are entitled to exclude him/her from the event. Persons under the influence of medication, drugs or alcohol will also be excluded from the event.
2. conclusion of contract and payment
You can register for a selected campaign in writing, by telephone or in person. The booking contract is concluded and becomes binding when our booking confirmation is sent. The person who has accepted the registration is contractually bound for themselves and all other registered participants. Sayaq Adventures München GmbH & Co KG will send the invoice for the booked event at the same time as the booking confirmation. The invoice should be paid by the due date shown, otherwise reminder fees of €7.50 will be charged after a payment reminder has been sent.
3. our services
The scope of our services is determined exclusively by the service description in the booking confirmation and the invoice. Sayaq Adventures München GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right to modify, extend or restrict the program of the event due to arbitrary action by the authorities, difficulties with local conditions (such as transport facilities), unforeseeable circumstances or similar.
4. performance and price changes
Sayaq Adventures München GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right to adjust the event price up to 20 days before the event with prior calculation. An increase in the price due to increased transportation costs, changes in the exchange rate or other services incurred are possible.
5. resignation
Cancellation is only possible in writing or by telephone. In the event of an unannounced no-show, the price must still be paid. The payment obligation can only be reduced in the event of cancellation by providing evidence of valid reasons (e.g. by presenting a certificate from the participant who is unable to attend). This also applies in the event of a delay of more than 30 minutes, in which case the event may no longer be guaranteed. Cancellation of the event is subject to the following charges: – 30% of the price from 30 days before the date of the event – 50% of the price from 20 days before the date of the event – 80% of the price from 5 days before the date of the event. Until the start of the event, the participant may be replaced by a third party, provided that this person fulfills the above-mentioned conditions of participation and requirements. In this case, the contractual partner, the originally registered participant and the substitute participant shall be jointly and severally liable for the event price and any additional costs incurred.
6. force majeure
The participants are aware that the event primarily takes place in the open air and can therefore only be held in suitable weather conditions (i.e. not in storms or thunderstorms); an event may therefore have to be canceled – possibly at very short notice. In this case, Sayaq Adventures München GmbH & Co. KG will offer the participants a postponement, an alternative program or a voucher for the booked service.
7. liability
Participants are aware that outdoor sports events involve a certain risk of accidents and injuries. Sayaq Adventures München GmbH & Co KG is liable for personal injury within the scope of the statutory provisions. Sayaq Adventures München GmbH & Co. KG, its representatives or vicarious agents shall only be liable for damage to property and personal injury in the event of intent, gross negligence or negligent breach of a material contractual obligation.
8. final provisions
The ineffectiveness of individual provisions mentioned above does not result in the ineffectiveness of the entire GTC. For legal actions brought by Sayaq Adventures München GmbH & Co KG against participants who do not have a general place of jurisdiction in Germany, as well as persons whose place of residence or habitual abode is not known after conclusion of the event contract, our registered office shall be the agreed place of jurisdiction. Extensions to our contractual services shall only come into force upon written confirmation. Verbal side agreements with employees are not legally binding.
We would like to point out that we recommend taking out travel cancellation, accident, health, liability and luggage insurance.